Excel Fee Assistance
There immense financial wreckage from the COVID-19 pandemic. California had over 1 million unemployment claims in less than two weeks. It has affected people around the world, and right here in our community.
That is why we are offering the Excel Fee Assistance. It actually started with two stubborn Excel coaches.
They simply were refusing to get paid. And, we were insisting on paying them. After a good old fashion stare down, we came to a conclusion. We would work together and they could donate their checks to help out the Excel community.
That’s right - two of your coaches have insisted on donating their entire checks to help pay for Excel gym fees.
Additionally, 50% of every CrossFit Excel “Stranger Things design “ shirt will go towards fees. (Could there be a more fitting design for this strange time?)
AND, Excel will match the entire amount to double it.
How applicants will be chosen: Applications will be reviewed and ranked by an objective individual who has no connections or knowledge of anyone in the Excel community. This is important guarantee we will not be playing favorites. We will then go down the list and award 90 days of gym fee payments to as many people as the funds allow.
If you lost your job due to the coronavirus pandemic, please apply for fee assistance below.